
Language Arts-How am I Unique?

Field Trip permission slips and $4 due on Monday.

Here's an electronic copy of the Opening Letter sent home:

September 3, 2019

Dear Families,
            I offer you a warm "Welcome to Fourth Grade"!  I am looking forward to working with you and your child this year.  I am also excited about the journey that we will be embarking on this school year.  We have many new adventures we will be exploring together.    I can't wait to share all the exciting learning opportunities that have been planned. 
            As was outlined during Curriculum Night, this year the fourth grade teachers will be collaborating to better meet the needs of all of our students.   Ms. Paige will be teaching writing and social studies to all fourth grade students and I will be teaching Math and Science to all.
            I will be sending home updates via email that will explain the focus of upcoming areas of curriculum and events.  You can look forward to the first issue by middle September (Z-Press).  Until then, the following is a list of general information that you may find helpful.
o   Character Education-As was discussed at Curriculum Night, Bingham Farms has revamped our Character Education.  More information about this will come out shortly.
o   Office Hours-Students who would like additional support, learning opportunities, etc. have the chance to work during their morning break and lunch/recess. There may times when students are invited to join us because they have not yet completed a task during school time or completed the occasional homework.   
o   Supplies-If your child does not have all of their supplies, please try to provide them either sometime this week or by the beginning of next week.  We will organize most supplies this week either in their desk or their locker. 
o   Lunch is from12:10 until 12:50pm.  Please send a nutritious snack each day with your child.  Students will be allowed to eat a snack any time during the morning or afternoon.  Lunch will be from 12:10-12:30.  This year students will eat first, then play outside.   
o   Field trips are a great extension to the classroom and we try to have the students experience several in 4th grade.  Therefore, our first field trip is on September 10th.  We are going to Cranbrook Institute of Science. The students will be participating in the Rouge River Water Festival.  The permission slip is attached to this letter. 
o   Homework will consist of: 
§  Occasional assignments in: Math, Reading, Word Work, Social Studies, Science, and Writer's Workshop (Language Arts)
§  *Math Homework answers can be found on SeeSaw (once registered)
§  Reading 30 minutes at home consistently is expected of all students
§  Additional homework options: Path Blazer, epic! and Brain Pop
o   Communication- The easiest way to communicate with me is email.  I check my email daily. If there is an emergency, please contact the office.  If more convenient, you may also send a note with your child in his/her planner.  I also send many communications via email.  Attached you will also find links to the blogs where you will find planner information.  The blog is updated regularly so that all are aware of the homework and projects due. Please have your child check the blog if they’re absent or unsure of an assignment.
o   Unified Arts- Attached is the schedule for specials.  As you know the schedule is on an A B C D rotation.  This calendar will help keep you and your child abreast of the activities and to figure out proper clothing. 
I hope this was helpful. 
See you soon!!


Mr. Zabawa

Mr. Zabawa’s Special Schedule  2019-20

Music              9:25-10:10                              
Spanish            9:25-10:10                  
P.E.                 2:00-2:45                     (Please remember to wear or bring gym shoes)                                
Spanish            9:25-10:10
Art                   2:00-2:45
Library                        2:50-3:35                     (Check out and Library Skills)


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